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Estudios científicos |
- Abortos
Biological effects from electromagnetic field exposure and public exposure standards.Hardell L, Sage C.
10·04·2008 - Visitas: 1600
Biomed Pharmacother. 2008 Feb;62(2):104-9.Campos electromagnéticos y abortos
14·11·2005 - Visitas: 1703
Enhancement of Allergic Skin Wheal Responses by Microwave Radiation from Mobile Phones in Patients with Atopic Eczema/Dermatitis Syndrome
30·10·2010 - Visitas: 389
International Archives of Allergy and Immunology, 2002;129:348-350The effects of electric fields on charged molecules and particles in individual microenvironments
2·08·2007 - Visitas: 1116
Atmospheric environment, 41: Pages 5224-5235Trabajo Japonés / Japanese paper
19·11·2005 - Visitas: 1722
Soviet and Eastern European Research on Biological Effects of Microwave Radiation. DONALD I. MCREE
10·11·2006 - Visitas: 1811
Residence Near Power Lines and Mortality From Neurodegenerative Diseases: Longitudinal Study of the Swiss Population
13·11·2008 - Visitas: 787
American Journal of Epidemiology. 2008 Nov 5.Occupational exposure to extremely low frequency electric and magnetic fields and Alzheimer disease: a meta-analysis
3·04·2008 - Visitas: 993
Int J Epidemiol. 2008 Apr;37(2):329-40. Epub 2008 Feb 1.Occupational exposure to extremely low frequency electric and magnetic fields and Alzheimer disease: a meta-analysis
29·02·2008 - Visitas: 914
Int J Epidemiol. 2008 Feb 2Móviles y mortalidad por enfermedad de Alzheimer
11·01·2006 - Visitas: 1718
Importante estudio sueco
Maternal Exposure to Magnetic Fields During Pregnancy in Relation to the Risk of Asthma in Offspring
12·08·2011 - Visitas: 243
Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. Published online August 1, 2011.
Effects of intensive and moderate cellular phone use on hearing function / Efectos del uso del teléfono móvil en la audición
22·04·2006 - Visitas: 1372
Electromagn Biol Med. 2006;25(1):13-21.Telefonía móvil y perdida de audición
11·11·2005 - Visitas: 1738
Wireless Radiation in the Etiology and Treatment of Autism: Clinical Observations and Mechanisms
9·11·2007 - Visitas: 1261
J. Aust. Coll. Nutr. & Env. Med. Vol. 26 No.2 (August 2007) pages 3-7Out of time: A possible link between mirror neurons, autism and electromagnetic radiation.
31·05·2006 - Visitas: 2478
Medical Hypotheses. 2006Efectos de las radiofrecuencias sobre la barrera hematoencefálica
23·01·2006 - Visitas: 2101
Autismo en "Medical Hypotheses" / Autism in "Medical Hypotheses"
13·11·2005 - Visitas: 2506
Blood-Brain Barrier Permeability and Nerve Cell Damage in Rat Brain 14 and 28 Days After Exposure to Microwaves from GSM Mobile Phones
10·11·2008 - Visitas: 799
Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, Volume 27, Issue 3 September 2008 , pages 215 - 229Blood-brain barrier permeability and nerve cell damage in rat brain 14 and 28 days after exposure to microwaves from GSM mobile phones.
6·10·2008 - Visitas: 892
Electromagn Biol Med. 2008;27(3):215-29.Physics and biology of mobile telephony
25·11·2006 - Visitas: 1508
THE LANCET Vol 356 November 25, 2000Efectos de las radiofrecuencias sobre la barrera hematoencefálica
23·01·2006 - Visitas: 2101
Capítulo de la Enciclopedia Internacional de Neurociencia
19·11·2005 - Visitas: 1441
Ross AdeyImportante estudio de Salford y colaboradores con ratas
18·11·2005 - Visitas: 1340
18·11·2005 - Visitas: 1333
La radiación de los móviles daña las neuronas porque altera la barrera hematoencefálica
13·11·2005 - Visitas: 1962
Mortality by neoplasia and cellular telephone base stations in the Belo Horizonte municipality, Minas Gerais state, Brazil. Between 1996 and 2006, 7191 deaths by neoplasia occurred and within an area of 500 m from the BS, the mortality rate was 34.76 per 10,000 inhabitants. Outside of this area, a decrease in the number of deaths by neoplasia occurred.
29·07·2011 - Visitas: 332
8·07·2011 - Visitas: 343
Experimental Oncology 2011,33, 2, 62-70Correlation between cellular phone use and epithelial parotid gland malignancies
21·04·2011 - Visitas: 437
Int. J.Oral Maxillofac.Surg.2011;Risk of Parotid Malignant Tumors in Israel (1970-2006)
22·12·2010 - Visitas: 519
Epidemiology: January 2011 - Volume 22 - Issue 1 - pp 130-131Occupational exposure to electromagnetic fields and sex-differential risk of uveal melanoma
24·09·2010 - Visitas: 433
4·09·2010 - Visitas: 558
Exp Oncol 2010 32, 2, 54-60Epidemiological Evidence for a Health Risk from Mobile Phone Base Stations. Artículo original completo
23·07·2010 - Visitas: 1057
INT J OCCUP ENVIRON HEALTH 2010;16:263-267Historical evidence that electrification caused the 20th century epidemic. Samuel Milham.
25·09·2009 - Visitas: 809
Medical Hypotheses (2009)Apparent decreases in Swedish public health indicators after 1997-Are they due to improved diagnostics or to environmental factors?
1·07·2009 - Visitas: 792
Pathophysiology 16 (2009) 43-46Bomberos y cáncer: Most cancer in firefighters is due to radio-frequency radiation exposure
26·05·2009 - Visitas: 874
Medical Hypotheses, 2009A New Electromagnetic Exposure Metric: High Frequency Voltage Transients Associated With Increased Cancer Incidence in Teachers in a California School
2·06·2008 - Visitas: 943
AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL MEDICINE (2008)Biological effects from electromagnetic field exposure and public exposure standards.Hardell L, Sage C.
10·04·2008 - Visitas: 1600
Biomed Pharmacother. 2008 Feb;62(2):104-9.Cellular Phone Use and Risk of Benign and Malignant Parotid Gland Tumors, A Nationwide Case-Control Study
10·12·2007 - Visitas: 1461
American Journal of Epidemiology Advance Access published online on December 6, 2007Fielding a current idea: exploring the public health impact of electromagnetic radiation
30·07·2007 - Visitas: 1119
Public HealthFactores de riesgo asociados a los tumores neonatales. Experiencia de una unidad de salud medioambiental pediátrica
30·05·2007 - Visitas: 1721
Magnetic fields (MF) of 50 Hz at 1.2 µT as well as 100 µT cause uncoupling of inhibitory pathways of adenylyl cyclase mediated by melatonin 1a receptor in MF-sensitive MCF-7 cells
13·05·2007 - Visitas: 1026
Carcinogenesis, Vol. 22, No. 7, 1043-1048, July 2001INFLUENCIA DE LA CERCANÍA DE UNA ANTENA DE TELEFONÍA MÓVIL SOBRE LA INCIDENCIA DEL CÁNCER. Estudio alemán realizado en Naila (Naila Study): Eger et al., 2004
30·01·2007 - Visitas: 8197
El Estudio más importante sobre antenas y cáncer ya está traducido al español por Asunción Laso (AVAATE)La radiofrecuencia de los teléfonos móviles acelera la carcinogénesis. Importancia del ión calcio en la señal conductora del proceso.
8·11·2006 - Visitas: 2337
7º Congreso Virtual Hispanoamericano de Anatomía Patológica. EMILIO MAYAYO ARTAL*, LEOPOLDO J. ANGHILERI**, ROSA MAYAYO ALVIRA*Nuevo estudio sueco sobre utilización de teléfonos móviles e inalámbricos y tumores cerebrales. "Pooled analysis of two case-control studies on use of cellular and cordless telephones and the risk for malignant brain tumours diagnosed in 1997-2003"
5·04·2006 - Visitas: 1422
La probablidad de contraer un tumor maligno por los usuarios se multiplica por 2,4.Estudio Israelí: Wolf & Wolf, 2004
1·02·2006 - Visitas: 3517
Antenas de telefonía y CáncerEstudio sobre leucemia infantil en los alrededores de Radio Vaticano.
17·01·2006 - Visitas: 2384
Campos magnéticos y tumores cerebrales
19·11·2005 - Visitas: 1571
Estudio CanadienseMicroondas y cáncer en militares
18·11·2005 - Visitas: 2159
Importante trabajo de Michael Repacholi
18·11·2005 - Visitas: 1593
Actual Director de Campos electromagnéticos de la OMSCancer Infantil cerca de líneas de alta tensión
13·11·2005 - Visitas: 1827
Estudio InglésModelo de mecanismo biofísico para la promoción del cáncer por las radiaciones de telefonía móvil
12·11·2005 - Visitas: 1965
Importante estudio científico publicado en "Differentiation" en 2002Estudios y revisiones de Hardell y Kundi
12·11·2005 - Visitas: 1306
Radiofrecuencias y tendencias del cáncer durante el siglo XX
11·11·2005 - Visitas: 1580
tres estudios suecos
11·11·2005 - Visitas: 1313
Listado de estudios sobre antenas de telefonía, radio y televisión y cáncer
9·11·2005 - Visitas: 2306
Prenatal and Postnatal Exposure to Cell Phone Use and Behavioral Problems in Children
16·05·2008 - Visitas: 991
Epidemiology. 2008 May 7. [Epub ahead of print]Soviet and Eastern European Research on Biological Effects of Microwave Radiation. DONALD I. MCREE
10·11·2006 - Visitas: 1811
PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, VOL. 68, NO. 1, JANUARY 1980Revisión de Henry Lai
12·11·2005 - Visitas: 1266
A meta-analysis for neurobehavioral effects due to electromagnetic field exposure emitted by GSM mobile phones.
19·10·2007 - Visitas: 983
Occup Environ Med. 2007 Oct 10;Estudio realizado en Letonia sobre los efectos de una estación de radar en los niños que vivían en sus proximidades
12·03·2006 - Visitas: 1268
Microondas pulsadas similares a las de los teléfonos móvilesPublicación que revisa los estudios realizados sobre antenas de telefonía y salud
11·11·2005 - Visitas: 1807
Referencias sobre campos electromagnéticos, depresión y suicidio
15·12·2005 - Visitas: 2087
Existen varios estudios que vinculan la presencia de campos electromagnéticos con el incremento de depresión y suicidio de las personas que lo padecenEstudio Australiano
15·12·2005 - Visitas: 1303
La variación de los campos geomagnéticos vinculados a las erupciones solares interviene en el aumento de suicidiosPublicación que revisa los estudios realizados sobre antenas de telefonía y salud
11·11·2005 - Visitas: 1807
Historical evidence that electrification caused the 20th century epidemic. Samuel Milham.
25·09·2009 - Visitas: 809
Medical Hypotheses (2009)
The Effects of 884 MHz GSM Wireless Communication Signals on Self-reported Symptom and Sleep (EEG)- An Experimental Provocation Study
16·11·2007 - Visitas: 1031
PIERS ONLINE, VOL. 3, NO. 7, 2007Physics and biology of mobile telephony
25·11·2006 - Visitas: 1508
THE LANCET Vol 356 November 25, 2000Consultations in primary care for symptoms attributed to electromagnetic fields - a survey among general practitioners
23·11·2006 - Visitas: 1321
BMC Public Health 2006, 6:267Estudio austriaco
22·04·2006 - Visitas: 3197
Occup. Environ. Med. 2006; 63;307-313Efectos de las radiofrecuencias sobre la barrera hematoencefálica
23·01·2006 - Visitas: 2101
Estudio de Singapur
19·11·2005 - Visitas: 1157
Estudio Saudí
13·11·2005 - Visitas: 1394
Estudio español del doctor Gómez-Perretta
11·11·2005 - Visitas: 4825
Estudio de los Doctores Oberfeld y Gómez Perretta
11·11·2005 - Visitas: 1486
Trabajo Francés del Doctor Santini
11·11·2005 - Visitas: 3323
Publicación que revisa los estudios realizados sobre antenas de telefonía y salud
11·11·2005 - Visitas: 1807
Effect of 7, 14 and 21 Hz modulated 450 MHz microwave radiation on human electroencephalographic rhythms.
19·12·2007 - Visitas: 994
Int J Radiat Biol. 2008 Jan;84(1):69-79.The Effects of 884 MHz GSM Wireless Communication Signals on Self-reported Symptom and Sleep (EEG)- An Experimental Provocation Study
16·11·2007 - Visitas: 1031
PIERS ONLINE, VOL. 3, NO. 7, 2007The effect of mobile phone electromagnetic fields on the alpha rhythm of human electroencephalogram
12·10·2007 - Visitas: 945
Bioelectromagnetics. 2007 SepThe effect of mobile phone (GSM) use on Brain function. ’Slowed Brain Activity’ in Frequent Mobile Phone Users
18·09·2007 - Visitas: 1058
The effect of mobile phone electromagnetic fields on the alpha rhythm of human electroencephalogram
7·09·2007 - Visitas: 1045
Pulsed radio-frequency electromagnetic fields: dose-dependent effects on sleep, the sleep EEG and cognitive performance
7·09·2007 - Visitas: 999
J Sleep Res. 2007 Sep;16(3):253-8Investigation of Brain Potentials in Sleeping Humans Exposed to the Electromagnetic Field of Mobile Phones
7·06·2007 - Visitas: 1109
*Originally published in Russian in “Biomeditsinskaya Radioelektronika”, No. 7, 1999Soviet and Eastern European Research on Biological Effects of Microwave Radiation. DONALD I. MCREE
10·11·2006 - Visitas: 1811
PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, VOL. 68, NO. 1, JANUARY 1980Capítulo de la Enciclopedia Internacional de Neurociencia
19·11·2005 - Visitas: 1441
Ross AdeyEstudio de Pertrides
15·11·2005 - Visitas: 1255
Efectos en el cerebro durante el sueño
13·11·2005 - Visitas: 2066
Estudio de Andrew A. Marino
13·11·2005 - Visitas: 1179
12·08·2011 - Visitas: 306
International Journal of Neuroscience July 28, 2011.Symptoms, personality traits, and stress in people with mobile phone-related symptoms and electromagnetic hypersensitivity
16·09·2010 - Visitas: 456
Journal of Psychosomatic Research 68 (2010) 37-45Cognitive and neurobiological alterations in electromagnetic hypersensitive patients: results of a case-control study
29·03·2008 - Visitas: 971
Psychol Med. 2008 Mar 26;:1-11Electromagnetic Field Sensitivity
12·12·2007 - Visitas: 960
Journal of Bioelectricity, 10(1&2), 241-256. 1991Consultations in primary care for symptoms attributed to electromagnetic fields - a survey among general practitioners
23·11·2006 - Visitas: 1321
BMC Public Health 2006, 6:267Will We All Become Electrosensitive?. Data presented here were collected in Austria, Germany, Great Britain, Ireland, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United States. The extrapolated trend indicates that 50% of the population can be expected to become electrosensitive by the year 2017.
3·10·2006 - Visitas: 1342
Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, 25: 189-191, 2006. Each year an increasing number of people claim to suffer from electrosensitivity, also known as being electrically hypersensitive (EHS). There are also other diseases, such as fibromyalgia and burn-out syndrome, that have symptoms similar to those exhibited by people suffering from electrosensitivity.Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - Is prolonged exposure to environmental level powerline frequency electromagnetic fields a co-factor to consider in treatment?
15·05·2006 - Visitas: 1431
Síndrome de Fatiga crónica, electrosensibilidad y fibromialgia: ¿diferentes nombres para un mismo problema?
Soviet and Eastern European Research on Biological Effects of Microwave Radiation. DONALD I. MCREE
10·11·2006 - Visitas: 1811
PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, VOL. 68, NO. 1, JANUARY 1980Hygienic, clinical and epidemiological analysis of disturbances induced by radio frequency EMF exposure in human body
3·07·2006 - Visitas: 1435
Proceedings from the international workshop: Clinical and physiological investigations of people highly exposed to electromagnetic fields. St. Petersburg, Russia. October 16-17, 2000
Physics and biology of mobile telephony
25·11·2006 - Visitas: 1508
THE LANCET Vol 356 November 25, 2000Electromagnetic field and Epilepsy
11·11·2005 - Visitas: 1289
Electromagnetic Radiation and Epilepsy
11·11·2005 - Visitas: 1315
Microondas y esquizofrenia
15·11·2005 - Visitas: 1425
Changes of Clinically Important Neurotransmitters under the Influence of Modulated RF Fields-A Long-term Study under Real-life Conditions.
3·09·2011 - Visitas: 205
BUCHNER K, EGER H (2011) Umwelt-Medizin-Gesellschaft 24(1): 44-57.
Consultations in primary care for symptoms attributed to electromagnetic fields - a survey among general practitioners
23·11·2006 - Visitas: 1321
BMC Public Health 2006, 6:267Soviet and Eastern European Research on Biological Effects of Microwave Radiation. DONALD I. MCREE
10·11·2006 - Visitas: 1811
PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, VOL. 68, NO. 1, JANUARY 1980Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - Is prolonged exposure to environmental level powerline frequency electromagnetic fields a co-factor to consider in treatment?
15·05·2006 - Visitas: 1431
Síndrome de Fatiga crónica, electrosensibilidad y fibromialgia: ¿diferentes nombres para un mismo problema?Estudio Saudí
13·11·2005 - Visitas: 1394
Trabajo Francés del Doctor Santini
11·11·2005 - Visitas: 3323
Preliminary Study on the Induction of Sperm Head Abnormalities in Mice, Mus musculus, Exposed to Radiofrequency Radiations from Global System for Mobile Communication Base Stations
18·10·2009 - Visitas: 737
Bull Environ Contam ToxicolMobile Phone Radiation Induces Reactive Oxygen Species Production and DNA Damage in Human Spermatozoa In Vitro
11·08·2009 - Visitas: 702
PLOS ONERadio frequency electromagnetic radiation (RF-EMR) from GSM (0.9/1.8GHz) mobile phones induces oxidative stress and reduces sperm motility in rats
14·07·2009 - Visitas: 785
Clinics (Sao Paulo). 2009;64(6):561-5Radiofrequency electromagnetic fields; male infertility and sex ratio of offspring.
28·04·2008 - Visitas: 916
Eur J Epidemiol. 2008 Apr 16Evaluation of the effect of using mobile phones on male fertility.
2·08·2007 - Visitas: 1040
Ann Agric Environ Med. 2007;14(1):169-72.Effect of cell phone usage on semen analysis in men attending infertility clinic: an observational study.
13·05·2007 - Visitas: 1159
Fertil Steril. 2007 May 3;Soviet and Eastern European Research on Biological Effects of Microwave Radiation. DONALD I. MCREE
10·11·2006 - Visitas: 1811
PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, VOL. 68, NO. 1, JANUARY 1980Los teléfonos móviles reducen la motilidad de los espermatozoides más rápidos
14·11·2005 - Visitas: 1653
Riesgo de baja fertilidad masculinaRelación entre la utilización del teléfono móvil y la calidad del semen
11·11·2005 - Visitas: 1341
International Journal of Andrology
11·11·2005 - Visitas: 1442
Will We All Become Electrosensitive?. Data presented here were collected in Austria, Germany, Great Britain, Ireland, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United States. The extrapolated trend indicates that 50% of the population can be expected to become electrosensitive by the year 2017.
3·10·2006 - Visitas: 1342
Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, 25: 189-191, 2006. Each year an increasing number of people claim to suffer from electrosensitivity, also known as being electrically hypersensitive (EHS). There are also other diseases, such as fibromyalgia and burn-out syndrome, that have symptoms similar to those exhibited by people suffering from electrosensitivity.
The genotoxic effect of radiofrequency waves on mouse brain
16·07·2011 - Visitas: 329
J Neurooncol DOI 10.1007/s11060-011-0644-zEffects of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields on seed germination and root meristematic cells of Allium cepa L.
30·11·2008 - Visitas: 879
Mutat Res. 2008 Nov 5.Radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (UMTS, 1,950 MHz) induce genotoxic effects in vitro in human fibroblasts but not in lymphocytes.
25·02·2008 - Visitas: 1141
Int Arch Occup Environ Health. 2008 Feb 16Increased Levels of Numerical Chromosome Aberrations after In Vitro Exposure of Human Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields for 72 Hours
8·01·2008 - Visitas: 997
Radiation Research, 169, 28-37 (2008).Radiofrequency radiation (900 MHz) induces Egr-1 gene expression and affects cell-cycle control in human neuroblastoma cells
13·10·2007 - Visitas: 1104
J Cell Physiol. 2007 Dec;213(3):759-67Physics and biology of mobile telephony
25·11·2006 - Visitas: 1508
THE LANCET Vol 356 November 25, 2000Cytogenetic Damage in Mobile Phone Users: Preliminary Data. The results revealed increased number of micronucleated buccal cells and cytological abnormalities in cultured lymphocytes indicating the genotoxic response from mobile phone use.
17·05·2006 - Visitas: 1413
Importante estudio: Daños citogenéticos en los usuarios de teléfonos móvilesEstudio Europeo Reflex
27·01·2006 - Visitas: 4647
Efectos genotóxicosMicrowaves from GSM mobile phones affect 53BP1 and ã-H2AX foci in human
19·11·2005 - Visitas: 1269
Trabajo de Belyaev
19·11·2005 - Visitas: 1213
Revisión de Henry Lai
12·11·2005 - Visitas: 1232
Prenatal and Postnatal Exposure to Cell Phone Use and Behavioral Problems in Children
16·05·2008 - Visitas: 991
Epidemiology. 2008 May 7. [Epub ahead of print]
Teratogenic Effects of Electromagnetic Fields on the Skeletal Systems of Rat Fetuses
2·11·2006 - Visitas: 1392
Tr. J. of Medical Sciences 29 (1999) 555-559
The Effects of 884 MHz GSM Wireless Communication Signals on Self-reported Symptom and Sleep (EEG)- An Experimental Provocation Study
16·11·2007 - Visitas: 1031
PIERS ONLINE, VOL. 3, NO. 7, 2007Pulsed radio-frequency electromagnetic fields: dose-dependent effects on sleep
12·10·2007 - Visitas: 965
J Sleep Res. 2007 SepThe effect of mobile phone electromagnetic fields on the alpha rhythm of human electroencephalogram
7·09·2007 - Visitas: 1045
Pulsed radio-frequency electromagnetic fields: dose-dependent effects on sleep, the sleep EEG and cognitive performance
7·09·2007 - Visitas: 999
J Sleep Res. 2007 Sep;16(3):253-8Consultations in primary care for symptoms attributed to electromagnetic fields - a survey among general practitioners
23·11·2006 - Visitas: 1321
BMC Public Health 2006, 6:267Soviet and Eastern European Research on Biological Effects of Microwave Radiation. DONALD I. MCREE
10·11·2006 - Visitas: 1811
PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, VOL. 68, NO. 1, JANUARY 1980Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - Is prolonged exposure to environmental level powerline frequency electromagnetic fields a co-factor to consider in treatment?
15·05·2006 - Visitas: 1431
Síndrome de Fatiga crónica, electrosensibilidad y fibromialgia: ¿diferentes nombres para un mismo problema?Efectos de los teléfonos móviles en el sueño
21·11·2005 - Visitas: 1350
Estudio Saudí
13·11·2005 - Visitas: 1394
Estudio español del doctor Gómez-Perretta
11·11·2005 - Visitas: 4825
Estudio de los Doctores Oberfeld y Gómez Perretta
11·11·2005 - Visitas: 1486
Trabajo Francés del Doctor Santini
11·11·2005 - Visitas: 3323
Publicación que revisa los estudios realizados sobre antenas de telefonía y salud
11·11·2005 - Visitas: 1807
Personality changes caused by mobile telecommunications
22·04·2011 - Visitas: 364
Letter published in the journal �gUmwelt�]Medizin�]Gesellschaft 2010�h, Heft 3 [Translation]Publicación que revisa los estudios realizados sobre antenas de telefonía y salud
11·11·2005 - Visitas: 1807
Do naturally occurring magnetic nanoparticles in the human body mediate increased risk of childhood leukaemia with EMF exposure?
24·01·2009 - Visitas: 785
International Journal of Radiation Biology, Volume 84, Number 7, 2008 , pp. 569-579Case-only study of interactions between DNA repair genes (hMLH1, APEX1, MGMT, XRCC1 and XPD) and low-frequency electromagnetic fields in childhood acute leukemia
16·12·2008 - Visitas: 915
Leukemia and Lymphoma, Volume 49, Issue 12 December 2008 , pages 2344 - 2350Leukaemia, brain tumours and exposure to extremely low frequency magnetic fields: cohort study of Swiss railway employees
28·07·2007 - Visitas: 1044
Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2007;64:553-559Residential exposure to electric power transmission lines and risk of lymphoproliferative and myeloproliferative disorders: a case-control study.
20·07·2007 - Visitas: 1004
Intern Med J. 2007 Jun 2Radio-Frequency Radiation Exposure from AM Radio Transmitters and Childhood Leukemia and Brain Cancer
15·07·2007 - Visitas: 1193
American Journal of Epidemiology online on June 7, 2007Estudio sobre leucemia infantil en los alrededores de Radio Vaticano.
17·01·2006 - Visitas: 2384
Cancer Infantil cerca de líneas de alta tensión
13·11·2005 - Visitas: 1827
Estudio Inglés
Lipoatrophia semicircularis: An Electromagnetic Hypothesis
21·04·2007 - Visitas: 2014
Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, Volume 22, Issue 2 & 3 December 2003 , pages 183 - 193
Teratogenic Effects of Electromagnetic Fields on the Skeletal Systems of Rat Fetuses
2·11·2006 - Visitas: 1392
Tr. J. of Medical Sciences 29 (1999) 555-559
The melanoma epidemic. Örjan Hallberg
17·06·2008 - Visitas: 1007
1st Annual Cancer Congress, 2008 Shanghai, Chinatres estudios suecos
11·11·2005 - Visitas: 1313
Biomonitoring of estrogen and melatonin metabolites among women residing near radio and television broadcasting transmitters.
22·11·2007 - Visitas: 1135
J Occup Environ Med. 2007 Oct;49(10):1149-56.Biomonitoring of Estrogen and Melatonin Metabolites Among Women Residing Near Radio and Television Broadcasting Transmitters.
29·10·2007 - Visitas: 1065
Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine. 49(10):1149-1156, October 2007.Physics and biology of mobile telephony
25·11·2006 - Visitas: 1508
22·09·2006 - Visitas: 1407
Summary of National Institute of Health (NIH)/Colorado State University (CSU) Study of Lookout Mountain ResidentsVariations of Melatonin and Stress Hormones under Extended Shifts and Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Radiation
19·11·2005 - Visitas: 1302
Personality changes caused by mobile telecommunications
22·04·2011 - Visitas: 364
Letter published in the journal �gUmwelt�]Medizin�]Gesellschaft 2010�h, Heft 3 [Translation]Whole body exposure with GSM 900MHz affects spatial memory in mice
21·12·2010 - Visitas: 425
Pathophysiology, 2009Is cognitive function affected by mobile phone radiation exposure?
21·12·2010 - Visitas: 386
Adamantia F. Fragopoulou, Lukas H. Margaritis. European Journal of Oncology Eur. J. Oncol. - Library Vol. 5A meta-analysis for neurobehavioral effects due to electromagnetic field exposure emitted by GSM mobile phones.
19·10·2007 - Visitas: 983
Occup Environ Med. 2007 Oct 10;Physics and biology of mobile telephony
25·11·2006 - Visitas: 1508
THE LANCET Vol 356 November 25, 2000Soviet and Eastern European Research on Biological Effects of Microwave Radiation. DONALD I. MCREE
10·11·2006 - Visitas: 1811
PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, VOL. 68, NO. 1, JANUARY 1980Neuropsychological sequelae of digital mobile phone exposure in humans.
27·05·2006 - Visitas: 1219
El móvil afecta al tiempo de reacción y a la memoriaEstudio austriaco
22·04·2006 - Visitas: 3197
Occup. Environ. Med. 2006; 63;307-313Importante estudio encargado por el gobierno Holandés
13·11·2005 - Visitas: 2074
Las antenas de tercera generación (UMTS) provocan efectos cognitivos y afectan a la salud de las personasRevisión de Henry Lai
12·11·2005 - Visitas: 1266
Publicación que revisa los estudios realizados sobre antenas de telefonía y salud
11·11·2005 - Visitas: 1807
Investigation of Brain Potentials in Sleeping Humans Exposed to the Electromagnetic Field of Mobile Phones•
20·04·2011 - Visitas: 352
The Effects of Mobile-Phone Electromagnetic Fields on Brain Electrical Activity: A Critical Analysis of the Literature
30·11·2009 - Visitas: 651
The effect of mobile phone (GSM) use on Brain function. ’Slowed Brain Activity’ in Frequent Mobile Phone Users
18·09·2007 - Visitas: 1058
Soviet and Eastern European Research on Biological Effects of Microwave Radiation. DONALD I. MCREE
10·11·2006 - Visitas: 1811
PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, VOL. 68, NO. 1, JANUARY 1980Mobile Phone Emissions and Human Brain Excitability. Ann Neuro 2006;60:188-196
27·07·2006 - Visitas: 1050
Estudio realizado en España
19·11·2005 - Visitas: 1769
Capítulo de la Enciclopedia Internacional de Neurociencia
19·11·2005 - Visitas: 1441
Ross AdeyEstudio de Pertrides
15·11·2005 - Visitas: 1255
Importante estudio encargado por el gobierno Holandés
13·11·2005 - Visitas: 2074
Las antenas de tercera generación (UMTS) provocan efectos cognitivos y afectan a la salud de las personasEfectos en el cerebro durante el sueño
13·11·2005 - Visitas: 2066
Estudio de Andrew A. Marino
13·11·2005 - Visitas: 1179
Electromagnetic fields produced by incubators influence heart rate variability in newborns
2·05·2008 - Visitas: 968
Fetal and Neonatal Edition of Archives of Disease in Childhood., May, 2008Biological effects from electromagnetic field exposure and public exposure standards.Hardell L, Sage C.
10·04·2008 - Visitas: 1600
Biomed Pharmacother. 2008 Feb;62(2):104-9.Fetal and neonatal responses following maternal exposure to mobile phones.
8·02·2008 - Visitas: 1004
Saudi Med J. 2008 Feb;29(2):218-23Soviet and Eastern European Research on Biological Effects of Microwave Radiation. DONALD I. MCREE
10·11·2006 - Visitas: 1811
PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, VOL. 68, NO. 1, JANUARY 1980Hygienic, clinical and epidemiological analysis of disturbances induced by radio frequency EMF exposure in human body
3·07·2006 - Visitas: 1435
Proceedings from the international workshop: Clinical and physiological investigations of people highly exposed to electromagnetic fields. St. Petersburg, Russia. October 16-17, 2000Estudio Saudí
13·11·2005 - Visitas: 1394
Publicación que revisa los estudios realizados sobre antenas de telefonía y salud
11·11·2005 - Visitas: 1807
Soviet and Eastern European Research on Biological Effects of Microwave Radiation. DONALD I. MCREE
10·11·2006 - Visitas: 1811
PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, VOL. 68, NO. 1, JANUARY 1980Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - Is prolonged exposure to environmental level powerline frequency electromagnetic fields a co-factor to consider in treatment?
15·05·2006 - Visitas: 1431
Síndrome de Fatiga crónica, electrosensibilidad y fibromialgia: ¿diferentes nombres para un mismo problema?
Provocation study using heart rate variability shows microwave radiation from DECT phone affects autonomic nervous system M. Havas, J. Marrongelle, B. Pollner, E. Kelley, C.R.G. Rees, L. Tully
23·10·2010 - Visitas: 613
European Journal of Oncology Library Vol. 5, 273-300Epidemiological Evidence for a Health Risk from Mobile Phone Base Stations. Artículo original completo
23·07·2010 - Visitas: 1057
INT J OCCUP ENVIRON HEALTH 2010;16:263-267Cellular phones: are they detrimental?
23·01·2010 - Visitas: 758
J Egypt Public Health Assoc. 2004;79(3-4):197-223.Fielding a current idea: exploring the public health impact of electromagnetic radiation
30·07·2007 - Visitas: 1119
Public HealthConsultations in primary care for symptoms attributed to electromagnetic fields - a survey among general practitioners
23·11·2006 - Visitas: 1321
BMC Public Health 2006, 6:267Soviet and Eastern European Research on Biological Effects of Microwave Radiation. DONALD I. MCREE
10·11·2006 - Visitas: 1811
PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, VOL. 68, NO. 1, JANUARY 1980Estudio austriaco
22·04·2006 - Visitas: 3197
Occup. Environ. Med. 2006; 63;307-313Revisión de Neil Cherry
18·11·2005 - Visitas: 1230
Estudio suizo
15·11·2005 - Visitas: 1451
Importante estudio encargado por el gobierno Holandés
13·11·2005 - Visitas: 2074
Las antenas de tercera generación (UMTS) provocan efectos cognitivos y afectan a la salud de las personasEstudio Saudí
13·11·2005 - Visitas: 1394
Estudio Austríaco
13·11·2005 - Visitas: 1214
Estudio español del doctor Gómez-Perretta
11·11·2005 - Visitas: 4825
Estudio de los Doctores Oberfeld y Gómez Perretta
11·11·2005 - Visitas: 1486
Trabajo Francés del Doctor Santini
11·11·2005 - Visitas: 3323
Listado de estudios sobre antenas de telefonía y síndrome de microondas
9·11·2005 - Visitas: 2059
Hygienic, clinical and epidemiological analysis of disturbances induced by radio frequency EMF exposure in human body
3·07·2006 - Visitas: 1435
Proceedings from the international workshop: Clinical and physiological investigations of people highly exposed to electromagnetic fields. St. Petersburg, Russia. October 16-17, 2000
Hygienic, clinical and epidemiological analysis of disturbances induced by radio frequency EMF exposure in human body
3·07·2006 - Visitas: 1435
Proceedings from the international workshop: Clinical and physiological investigations of people highly exposed to electromagnetic fields. St. Petersburg, Russia. October 16-17, 2000
Autoimmune Process after Long-Term Low-Level Exposure to Electromagnetic Field (Experimental Results).
27·03·2011 - Visitas: 361
Biophysics, 2010, Vol. 55, No. 6,Disturbance of the immune system by electromagnetic fields-A potentially underlying cause for cellular damage and tissue repair reduction which could lead to disease and impairment
5·05·2009 - Visitas: 769
Pathophysiology, 2009Biological effects from electromagnetic field exposure and public exposure standards.Hardell L, Sage C.
10·04·2008 - Visitas: 1600
Biomed Pharmacother. 2008 Feb;62(2):104-9.Physics and biology of mobile telephony
25·11·2006 - Visitas: 1508
THE LANCET Vol 356 November 25, 2000Soviet and Eastern European Research on Biological Effects of Microwave Radiation. DONALD I. MCREE
10·11·2006 - Visitas: 1811
22·09·2006 - Visitas: 1407
Summary of National Institute of Health (NIH)/Colorado State University (CSU) Study of Lookout Mountain Residents
Cell Phone Radiofrequency Radiation Exposure and Brain Glucose Metabolism
25·02·2011 - Visitas: 333
JAMA, February 23, 2011-Vol 305, No. 8 (Reprinted)Effects of Cell Phone Radiofrequency Signal Exposure on Brain Glucose Metabolism
25·02·2011 - Visitas: 384
JAMA, February 23, 2011-Vol 305, No. 8 (Reprinted)Residence Near Power Lines and Mortality From Neurodegenerative Diseases: Longitudinal Study of the Swiss Population
13·11·2008 - Visitas: 787
American Journal of Epidemiology. 2008 Nov 5.Electromagnetic fields produced by incubators influence heart rate variability in newborns
2·05·2008 - Visitas: 968
Fetal and Neonatal Edition of Archives of Disease in Childhood., May, 2008Biological effects from electromagnetic field exposure and public exposure standards.Hardell L, Sage C.
10·04·2008 - Visitas: 1600
Biomed Pharmacother. 2008 Feb;62(2):104-9.Electromagnetic Field Sensitivity
12·12·2007 - Visitas: 960
Journal of Bioelectricity, 10(1&2), 241-256. 1991Neurophysiological effects of mobile phone electromagnetic fields on humans: A comprehensive review.
26·05·2007 - Visitas: 1008
Bioelectromagnetics. 2007 May 14Soviet and Eastern European Research on Biological Effects of Microwave Radiation. DONALD I. MCREE
10·11·2006 - Visitas: 1811
PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, VOL. 68, NO. 1, JANUARY 1980Mobile Phone Emissions and Human Brain Excitability. Ann Neuro 2006;60:188-196
27·07·2006 - Visitas: 1050
Hygienic, clinical and epidemiological analysis of disturbances induced by radio frequency EMF exposure in human body
3·07·2006 - Visitas: 1435
Proceedings from the international workshop: Clinical and physiological investigations of people highly exposed to electromagnetic fields. St. Petersburg, Russia. October 16-17, 2000Out of time: A possible link between mirror neurons, autism and electromagnetic radiation.
31·05·2006 - Visitas: 2478
Medical Hypotheses. 2006Neuropsychological sequelae of digital mobile phone exposure in humans.
27·05·2006 - Visitas: 1219
El móvil afecta al tiempo de reacción y a la memoriaChronic Fatigue Syndrome - Is prolonged exposure to environmental level powerline frequency electromagnetic fields a co-factor to consider in treatment?
15·05·2006 - Visitas: 1431
Síndrome de Fatiga crónica, electrosensibilidad y fibromialgia: ¿diferentes nombres para un mismo problema?Neuropsychological sequelae of digital mobile phone exposure in humans.
24·04·2006 - Visitas: 1053
Neuropsychologia. 2006 Apr 14;Efectos de las radiofrecuencias sobre la barrera hematoencefálica
23·01·2006 - Visitas: 2101
Móviles y mortalidad por enfermedad de Alzheimer
11·01·2006 - Visitas: 1718
Importante estudio suecoEfectos de los teléfonos móviles en el sueño
21·11·2005 - Visitas: 1350
Variations of Melatonin and Stress Hormones under Extended Shifts and Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Radiation
19·11·2005 - Visitas: 1302
Estudio realizado en España
19·11·2005 - Visitas: 1769
Cambios observables de la actividad rítmica en animales de laboratorio sometidos a la radiación de microondas de telefonía móvil
19·11·2005 - Visitas: 1631
Capítulo de la Enciclopedia Internacional de Neurociencia
19·11·2005 - Visitas: 1441
Ross AdeyImportante estudio de Salford y colaboradores con ratas
18·11·2005 - Visitas: 1340
18·11·2005 - Visitas: 1333
Estudio de Pertrides
15·11·2005 - Visitas: 1255
Microondas y esquizofrenia
15·11·2005 - Visitas: 1425
Importante estudio encargado por el gobierno Holandés
13·11·2005 - Visitas: 2074
Las antenas de tercera generación (UMTS) provocan efectos cognitivos y afectan a la salud de las personasEfectos en el cerebro durante el sueño
13·11·2005 - Visitas: 2066
La radiación de los móviles daña las neuronas porque altera la barrera hematoencefálica
13·11·2005 - Visitas: 1962
Estudio de Andrew A. Marino
13·11·2005 - Visitas: 1179
Revisión de Henry Lai
12·11·2005 - Visitas: 1266
Revisión de Henry Lai
12·11·2005 - Visitas: 1403
Estudios y revisiones de Hocking
12·11·2005 - Visitas: 2456
Electromagnetic Radiation and Epilepsy
11·11·2005 - Visitas: 1315
Estudio español del doctor Gómez-Perretta
11·11·2005 - Visitas: 4825
Estudio de los Doctores Oberfeld y Gómez Perretta
11·11·2005 - Visitas: 1486
Publicación que revisa los estudios realizados sobre antenas de telefonía y salud
11·11·2005 - Visitas: 1807
Soviet and Eastern European Research on Biological Effects of Microwave Radiation. DONALD I. MCREE
10·11·2006 - Visitas: 1811
PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, VOL. 68, NO. 1, JANUARY 1980Hygienic, clinical and epidemiological analysis of disturbances induced by radio frequency EMF exposure in human body
3·07·2006 - Visitas: 1435
Proceedings from the international workshop: Clinical and physiological investigations of people highly exposed to electromagnetic fields. St. Petersburg, Russia. October 16-17, 2000Los teléfonos móviles reducen la motilidad de los espermatozoides más rápidos
14·11·2005 - Visitas: 1653
Riesgo de baja fertilidad masculinaRelación entre la utilización del teléfono móvil y la calidad del semen
11·11·2005 - Visitas: 1341
International Journal of Andrology
11·11·2005 - Visitas: 1442
Investigation of Brain Potentials in Sleeping Humans Exposed to the Electromagnetic Field of Mobile Phones•
20·04·2011 - Visitas: 352
Investigation of Brain Potentials in Sleeping Humans Exposed to the Electromagnetic Field of Mobile Phones
7·06·2007 - Visitas: 1109
*Originally published in Russian in “Biomeditsinskaya Radioelektronika”, No. 7, 1999Dos estudios suizos
15·12·2005 - Visitas: 1227
Realizados en las proximidades de una antena de radio de onda cortaEstudio de Pertrides
15·11·2005 - Visitas: 1255
Efectos en el cerebro durante el sueño
13·11·2005 - Visitas: 2066
Estudio Austríaco
13·11·2005 - Visitas: 1214
Does the Earth’s magnetic field cause suicides?
28·10·2010 - Visitas: 476
New ScientistHistorical evidence that electrification caused the 20th century epidemic. Samuel Milham.
25·09·2009 - Visitas: 809
Medical Hypotheses (2009)Referencias sobre campos electromagnéticos, depresión y suicidio
15·12·2005 - Visitas: 2087
Existen varios estudios que vinculan la presencia de campos electromagnéticos con el incremento de depresión y suicidio de las personas que lo padecenEstudio Australiano
15·12·2005 - Visitas: 1303
La variación de los campos geomagnéticos vinculados a las erupciones solares interviene en el aumento de suicidios
Vestibular Schwannoma, Tinnitus and Cellular Telephones. Lennart Hardella,c Kjell Hansson Mildc,d Monica Sandströmd
16·07·2010 - Visitas: 636
Neuroepidemiology 2003;22:124-129Tinnitus and mobile phone use. Professor Michael Kundi, Institute of Environmental Health, Medical University of Vienna
2·07·2010 - Visitas: 772
Occup Environ Med doi:10.1136/oem.2009.048116
Pulse modulated 900 MHz radiation induces hypothyroidism and apoptosis in thyroid cells: a light, electron microscopy and immunohistochemical study.
5·03·2011 - Visitas: 347
Int J Radiat Biol. 2010 Dec;86(12):1106-16. Epub 2010 Sep 1.
Rápidas respuestas de varios científicos internacionales al último estudio danés sobre móviles y cáncer
24·10·2011 - Visitas: 98
Pooled analysis of case-control studies on malignant brain tumours and the use of mobile and cordless phones including living and deceased subjects. Hardell L, Carlberg M, Hansson Mild K.
8·07·2011 - Visitas: 393
Int J Oncol. 2011 May;38(5):1465-74. doi: 10.3892/ijo.2011.947. Epub 2011 Feb 17.Indications of possible brain-tumour risk in mobile-phone studies: should we be concerned? Elisabeth Cardis,1 Siegal Sadetzki2
1·02·2011 - Visitas: 352
Cardis E, Sadetzki S. Occup Environ Med (2010)Re-analysis of risk for glioma in relation to mobile telephone use: comparison with the results of the Interphone international case-control study. Lennart Hardell1,*, Michael Carlberg1 and Kjell Hansson Mild2
18·12·2010 - Visitas: 497
International Journal of Epidemiology, dic 2010 doi:10.1093/ije/dyq246A Case-Case Study of Mobile Phone Use and Acoustic Neuroma Risk in Japan: A significantly increased risk was identified for mobile phone use for >20 min/day on average, with risk ratios of 2.74 at 1 year before diagnosis, and 3.08 at 5 years before diagnosis.
17·11·2010 - Visitas: 469
4·09·2010 - Visitas: 558
Exp Oncol 2010 32, 2, 54-60Association between number of cell phone contracts and brain tumor incidence in nineteen U.S. States. Trabajo original completo.
1·09·2010 - Visitas: 673
Vestibular Schwannoma, Tinnitus and Cellular Telephones. Lennart Hardella,c Kjell Hansson Mildc,d Monica Sandströmd
16·07·2010 - Visitas: 636
Neuroepidemiology 2003;22:124-129Mobile Phone Use and Risk of Tumors: A Meta-Analysis: "In sum, in our meta-analyses of case-control studies, we found evidence linking mobile phone use to an increased risk of tumors, especially among users of 10 or more years".
19·10·2009 - Visitas: 760
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY Published Ahead of Print on October 13, 2009Cell phones and brain tumors: a review including the long-term epidemiologic data
15·09·2009 - Visitas: 874
Surgical Neurology, Volume 72, Issue 3, Pages 205-214 (September 2009)Cell phones more dangerous than cigarettes!
SURGICAL NEUROLOGY, Volume 70, Issue 5, Pages 445-446Strong Signal for Cell Phone Effects
ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH PERSPECTIVES VOLUME 116, NUMBER 10, OCTOBER 2008Methodological Aspects of Epidemiological Studies on the Use of Mobile Phones and their Association with Brain Tumors
The Open Environmental Journal, 2008, 2, 54-61Meta-analysis of long-term mobile phone use and the association with brain tumours
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ONCOLOGY 32: 1097-1103, 2008Exposure to cell phone radiation up-regulates apoptosis
Radio-Frequency Radiation Exposure from AM Radio Transmitters and Childhood Leukemia and Brain Cancer
15·07·2007 - Visitas: 1193
American Journal of Epidemiology online on June 7, 2007Tumour risk associated with use of cellular telephones or cordless desktop telephones
11·01·2007 - Visitas: 2440
World Journal of Surgical Oncology 2006, 4:74Nuevo estudio sueco sobre utilización de teléfonos móviles e inalámbricos y tumores cerebrales. "Pooled analysis of two case-control studies on use of cellular and cordless telephones and the risk for malignant brain tumours diagnosed in 1997-2003"
5·04·2006 - Visitas: 1422
La probablidad de contraer un tumor maligno por los usuarios se multiplica por 2,4.Campos magnéticos y tumores cerebrales
19·11·2005 - Visitas: 1571
Estudio CanadienseEstudios y revisiones de Hardell y Kundi
12·11·2005 - Visitas: 1306
Estudio Saudí
13·11·2005 - Visitas: 1394
Estudio español del doctor Gómez-Perretta
11·11·2005 - Visitas: 4825
Estudio de los Doctores Oberfeld y Gómez Perretta
11·11·2005 - Visitas: 1486
Trabajo Francés del Doctor Santini
11·11·2005 - Visitas: 3323
Publicación que revisa los estudios realizados sobre antenas de telefonía y salud
Proteomic analysis of human lens epithelial cells exposed to microwaves
Jpn J Ophthalmol. 2007 Nov-Dec;51(6):412-6Efectos de los campos de baja frecuencia en el globo ocular del pollo
Universidad de GranadaEfectos en los Ojos
Publicación que revisa los estudios realizados sobre antenas de telefonía y salud
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